The Intersectionality Toolbox: A Resource for Teaching and Applying an Intersectional Lens in Public Health
Sabik, N.J. (2021). Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 772301. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.772301
Bringing an Intersectional Lens to “Open” Science: An Analysis of Representation in the Reproducibility Project
Sabik, N.J., Matsick, J.L., McCormick-Huhn, K., & Cole, E.R. (2021). Psychology of Women Quarterly, online first. doi: 10.1177/03616843211035678
Differences in Caregiving Intensity Among Distinct Sociodemographic Subgroups of Informal Caregivers: Joint Effects of Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Employment
Cohen, S.A., Mendez-Luck, C.A., Greaney, M.L., Azzoli, A.B., Cook, S.K., & Sabik, N.J. (2021). Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 47(7), 23-32. doi: 10.3928/00989134-20210610-01
Differences Within Differences: Gender Differences in Caregiving Intensity Vary by Race and Ethnicity in Informal Caregivers
Cohen, S.A., Sabik, N.J., Cook, S.A., Azzoli*, A., & Mendez-Luck, C. (2019). Journal of Cross Cultural Gerontology, 34, 245-263. doi: 10.1007/s10823-019-09381-9
Digging Deeper: Research Practices and Recommendations for Exploring Intersectionality and Social and Cultural Influences on Personality, Identity, and Well-Being
Sabik, N.J. (2016). In T.A. Roberts, N. Curtin, L. Cortina, & L. Duncan (Eds.), Feminist Perspectives on Building a Better Psychological Science of Gender. Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-32141-7
Are All Minority Women Equally Buffered From Negative Body Image? Intra-Ethnic Moderators of the Buffering Hypothesis
Sabik, N.J., Cole, E.R., & Ward, L.M. (2010). Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34, 139-151. doi: 10.1111/j.1471-6402.2010.01557.x
A Fractured Mirror: Intersectional Approaches to Diverse Women’s Perceptions of Beauty and Bodies
Cole, E.R., & Sabik, N.J. (2009) In M.T. Berger & K. Guidroz (Eds.), The Intersectional Approach: Transforming the Academy through Race, Class, and Gender.